ENTROTOPIA 1.0Place: Gallery Rantakasarmi, Suomenlinna, Helsinki
Duration: 25.8 - 15.9. 2019
Opening: 24.8. 2019 16.00-20.00
urators: Ville Laaksonen & Dominika Chrzanová
Entrotopia is an international art exchange project created in cooperation with Slovak organization Publikum.sk, an association of Helsinki artists (HTS) and a couple of curators from Finland and Slovakia - Ville Laaksonen and Dominika Chrzanová.
The main goal of the project is to present contemporary Slovak visual art to the Finnish audience and vice versa, Finnish visual art to visitors in Slovakia. It is about interconnecting nations, their cultures, searching for differences and common features or themes in thinking and perception of the world. 12 artists from both countries were selected to create a joint work of art.
The connecting theme is the so-called Entrotopia, a new reality that came about by combining several words: utopia, dystopia and entropy. Each term is something different and that's why it's so complicated to unite and respond to it. Each author works differently and uses different materials for one goal. The first joint exhibition led by finnish curator Ville Laaksonen will present the following artists:
Artists: Michal Czinege https://michalczinege.com/
Jaroslav Kyša http://jaroslavkysa.com/portfolio/
Ema Lancaricova https://emalancaricova.wixsite.com/emalancaricova
Jozef Pilát https://jozefpilat.com/
Kata Mach http://katamach.com/index.html
Jarmila Mitrikova & Dávid Demjanovič https://www.works.io/jarmila-mitrikova
Place: Rantakasarmi Gallery, Suomenlinna, Helsinki
Opening hours: tue - thu: 12.00 – 17.30 fri - sun: 11.30 – 16.00
Supported using public funding by Fond na podporu umenia (Slovak arts council).
More informations here: