Lauri Ainala / Dave Berg / HYPERREAALIYAH (Jenna Jauhiainen) / Aliina Kauranne / Ninni Korkalo / Anni Puolakka & Ellie Hunter
Curated by:
Ville Laaksonen
Life has a new narrative. We open our eyes and wake up every day to a dream - only to face the controlled and alternated hyperreality. During the day we might get scared and start avoiding the dystopic image that the social media and virtualization is force-feeding our numbed eyes. We could maybe eat fish instead of red meat?
Destruction is imminent. In the ruins of an erased world we are living on the wasteland. Outskirts of the society is a No Man’s Land where we don’t need bureaucracy or permits to build our lives again - or to improve it by building a sauna. Only thing we do need is to get comfortable enough to force our selves to sleep and wake up the next day to repeat the same all over again.
Control - Alternate - Destroy - Erase - Improve - Force - Repeat
This screening is a narrative and documentary movie kind of collection of Finnish video art curated by Ville Laaksonen (Art Incubator & QiPO). The Screening consists of the intro and entro by the curator and works by Ninni Korkalo (00:28 - 10:12) Aliina Kauranne (10:13 - 12:13) HYPERREAALIYAH (Jenna Jauhiainen) (12:14 - 18:39) Anni Puolakka (with Ellie Hunter) (18:40 - 32:00), Dave Berg (32:01 - 39:20) and Lauri Ainala (39:21 - 48:43).